We have no shows scheduled, as we have recently moved and are still unpacking.

The shop is yet to be set up.  When it is we shall return to knife making and shows.


The Knife pictured below has been donated to the Knifemakers Guild for auction

 at the 2013 Show along with knives made by Dianna Casteel and Barbara Baskett.


New Knife  'TORTOISE STAR'  won for 'Best in Show' at the The GAKC show in St. Louis


 The Knifemakers Guild 2009 show was a success at it's new venue.

Gail also won  "THE JUDGES' CHOICE"   Award for her new knife "THE WEAVE"



 At the Little Rock Knife Show Feb 2009  "RIBBONS & RUBIES" won Best Folder


At the Knifemakers Guild Show July 2007  Gail's knife 'TRI-WING' won for Best Folder



At the NKCA Show 2007 in Missouri Larry's 'MAID OF THE MIST' won the Judges Award



Larry's 'ROSE DAGGER' was featured on the cover of Knife Annual 2005



At The Knifemakers Guild Show in August 2005, Gail became a new voting member

and was pleased to be awarded the "Art Boggs Memorial Award"



A special visitor attended the Las Vegas Show  

January 16 -18, 2004,   Mr. Steven Seagal.

He honored me by buying a knife named FEATHER & LACE.